How to Change the Brake Pads on a Ram 1500

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

How to Change the Brake Pads on a Ram 1500

You know how important it is to replace worn out brake pads on your Ram 1500 pickup truck, but may not feel confident doing a good job yourself, instead possibly ending up with a serious brake system problem. With some simple strategies and a few common tools, though, you can keep yourself from tearing the brake hose, damaging some other brake component and, most importantly, breathing dangerous lining dust.


Removing the Brake Pads


    Park your Ram pickup on a level surface.


    Remove about half of the brake fluid from the master cylinder using a hand siphon pump.


    Shift the transmission to Neutral.


    Unfasten the front wheel lug nuts using a lug wrench but do not remove them yet.


    Lift the front of the vehicle using a floor jack and support it on jack stands.


    Chock the rear wheels.


    Finish removing the front wheels.


    Work on one brake assembly at a time and detach the brake caliper from its mounting bracket by unfastening the two mounting pins using a 3/8-inch hex wrench or socket and ratchet.


    Pull the caliper upward and off the bracket and brake rotor.


    Lift one end of the outboard pad retaining spring with a screwdriver, just enough to rotate the pad to remove it from the caliper.


    Seat the piston back into its caliper bore using a large C-clamp. Let the screw on the C-clamp push against the inboard pad to seat the piston. Then remove the clamp.


    Pry the inboard pad off the caliper piston using the screwdriver. Be careful not to damage the piston and seal. Then remove the inboard pad from the caliper.


    Tie the brake caliper to the coil spring or some other suitable suspension component with wire to prevent the caliper weight from damaging the brake hose attached to the caliper.

Installing the Brake Pads


    Spray the brake assemblies with brake parts cleaner and wipe the surface with a clean, lint-free cloth to get rid of brake dust. Clean the caliper and steering knuckle sliding surfaces with a wire brush if necessary. James E. Duffy warns against blowing brake dust off the brake assembly. The dust may end up in your lungs. (See References 2)


    Clean the caliper mounting pins of rust or corrosion with a piece of crocus cloth or replace the pins if necessary.


    Set the new inboard pad in place and push the pad spring clip into the caliper piston until the pad is flush with the piston.


    Install the outboard pad and be sure the retaining spring locks on the caliper-mounting surface.


    Position the caliper on its mounting bracket and rotor.


    Lubricate the sleeves of the caliper mounting pins with GE 661 silicone grease or equivalent and start the pins by hand to avoid stripping the threads.


    Tighten the caliper pins with the 3/8-inch hex wrench or socket.


    Replace the brake pads on the opposite brake assembly following Steps 8 from the first section through Step 7 of this section.


    Mount the wheels on the hub assemblies and start the wheel lug nuts by hand. Then fasten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.


    Lower the vehicle and finish tightening the lug nuts.


    Pump the brake pedal several times to help the new pads seat on the brake rotor.


    Check the master cylinder and add new brake fluid if necessary.

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How to Replace a Cars Windshield

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Your car windshield does more than just block dust and bugs from hitting you while driving. It reduces your chance of being thrown from the car in a crash, keeps the roof from crushing if the car rolls over and even helps the airbag deploy properly. If your windshield needs to be replaced due to cracks, it must be done so precisely.




    Remove the rear view mirror inside the car. Unscrew one of the mirror bases two screws. You can then slide the retaining block and mirror out.


    Remove the windshield wipers. Lift them into the "cleaning position" so they will be easy to reinstall. Pry them up with a large flat screwdriver between the large nut and the arm while rocking the arm with your other hand.


    Seal the interior heater vents with masking tape. This will prevent any flakes of broken glass from falling into the vents, which could blow into the car.

Windshield Removal


    Check if the gasket is still good. If the rubber is no longer soft or has any cracks, you should replace it. This means you can cut it away and make the glass removal much easier.


    Push a strong knife into the center of the rubber, making sure you dont hit the glass. Cut all the way around to remove the rubber. You can now push the glass out from the inside.


    Remove the window more forcibly if the gasket can still be used. First, break the glass sealant applied by the manufacturer. Run a wooden stick along where the gasket and frame meet.


    Gently push the glass out with your foot from the passenger seat. Dont kick the glass. Push it under the inside lip at the top with the wood stick to get the rubber started through the frame.


    Have someone else on top of the car in front of the windshield. This person should catch the glass when it comes out.

Replace the Windshield


    Prepare the frame for reinstallation. Wipe away all rust from the frame, clean the dashboard and remove all sealant from the new gasket. Leave the gasket in the sun to make it warmer and more flexible.


    Fit the gasket on the windshield. Run a small bit of sealant along the gaskets bottom half channel. The heavy side goes to the inside and the side with the slit goes to the outside.


    Rub petroleum jelly into the outer rubber groove, with a little extra at the top and bottom center. Run a heavy nylon cord around the outer groove starting at the bottom center, leaving two 2-foot-long ends out in the center.


    Lay the windshield in place from the cars outside. Make sure the loose cords are in the cars inside.


    Pull one cord out slowly across the frame, to pull the rubber lip in place. Someone else should press the rubber against the car to prevent the lip from slipping off.


    Clean up any extra petroleum jelly from the frame. Reinstall the wipers and mirror.

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How to Replace the Brake Pads on a 1991 Ford Explorer

How to Replace the Brake Pads on a 1991 Ford Explorer

If you want to save some money in car repairs, you can change your own brake pads. The job is straightforward, with just a couple of problems that can arise. If the torque bolts on the back of the calipers are rusted on, you will have to use some force to get them to come loose. You can also use some spray lubricant. The other problem you may have is getting the pistons back into the calipers. Just use an old brake pad and a C-clamp and you will be all set.



    Put your Explorer in gear and engage the emergency brake. Loosen the lug nuts and jack the vehicle up on the front or back, depending on which pads you are changing. Place the jack stands under the Explorer and let it down to rest on them. Spray the whole braking assembly with brake cleaner so that you do not breath in any of the brake pad dust on the pads and disks. Remove the lug nuts and put the tire to the side.


    Find the caliper and brake pad holder that goes over the disk. It will be on the disk toward the front of the vehicle and will be the only thing keeping the disk in place while the tire is removed. Look on the back of the caliper: there will be one bolt on either side. Remove the bolts with the torque socket set.


    Pull the caliper off of the brake pad holder and set it on top of the disk. Remove the pads from the holder by pulling them out. They should come right out, but if they are stuck, use a screwdriver to wiggle them free. Lubricate the moving parts of the caliper with the brake pad grease.


    Replace the brake pads with the new ones. They should press right into the grooves made for them in the holder. Be sure to put the side with the padding toward the disk. The pad on the outside will face in, and the pad on the inside will face out.


    Put one of the old pads inside the caliper so that it is against both pistons. Place the C-clamp over the piston so that one end is on the brake pad and the other is on the back of the caliper. Tighten the C-clamp until the pistons are pushed all the way back into the caliper. Remove the C-clamp and pad.


    Put the caliper back onto the pad holder and over the new pads. Insert and tighten the two bolts at the back of the caliper. Replace the tire, and repeat the process on the other side in the same way you did this side.

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Botões em PNG

Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Instruções para baixar e utilizar:
× Clique na imagem que desejar, então você será redirecionado para uma página onde você poderá baixá-la em alta qualidade.
× Para baixá-la, clique sobre ela com o botão direito do mouse e escolha a opção "Salvar imagem como...", em seguida é só escolher uma pasta para colocá-la e clicar no botão "Salvar".
× Para usá-lo no PhotoScape, siga as instruções dadas neste tutorial.
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Trocando a Cor do PhotoScape

O1. Vá até o Desktop {Desktop é aquela tela principal do computador, onde fica a lixeira e os atalhos para alguns programas, também é conhecido como área de trabalho, clique aqui para ver um print}.
O2. Chegando no Desktop, dê um clique com o botão direito do mouse e vá em "Propriedades".
O3. Uma janela chamada "Propriedades de Vídeo" irá abrir-se, na parte superior dela haverá cinco abas, clique na quarta aba que se chama "Aparência".
O4. Na parte inferior direita da janela. você verá um botão chamado "Avançada", clique nele e uma nova janela chamada "Aparência Avançada" irá abrir-se.
O5. Em "Item", você verá uma caixinha onde estará escrito "Área de trabalho", clique lá e selecione a opção "Objetos 3D". Do lado direito você verá duas caixinhas de cores, uma chamada "Cor" e a outra "Cor 1". Não mude nada na que que se chama "Cor", apenas na "Cor 1", clique nela e escolha uma cor de sua preferência. Ao terminar dê Ok.
O6. Você estará de volta à janela "Propriedades de Vídeo", clique em "Aplicar", abra o PhotoScape e veja como ficou, se gostou do resultado dê Ok, se não, é só repetir o processo mudando a cor.

Créditos: Nathália Matos
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O que é background:
Background, são imagens que usamos como plano de fundo para qualquer tipo de montagem no qual seja necessário.

Como baixar e instalar:
Antes de tudo, crie uma pasta para receber os seus backgrounds, lembre-se de deixar seus materiais sempre organizados {clique aqui para ler um tutorial sobre como organizar seus materiais}. Os backgrounds podem ser encontrados tanto individuais como em pacotes zipados.
No caso dos pacote zipados, após o download, dezipe-os {clique aqui caso não saiba dezipar arquivos} e coloque todos os backgrounds obtidos na pasta que você criou para eles. Já os backgrounds encontrados individualmente, exigem um processo é bem mais simples, é só salvá-los na pasta que você criou para eles.

Como usá-los:
O1. Abra o seu PhotoScape e clique em "Editor".
O2. Mude para a ala "Objeto" e abra o background desejado.
O3. Agora é só aplicar sobre ele tudo o que você desejar: PNGs, brushes, texturas de luz e etc.

Todos os créditos a PhotoScape Edições
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Efeito Only Agfa

O1. Abra o PhotoScape, clique em "Editor" e fique na ala "Início".
O2. Abra uma foto atravéz do painel do lado esquerdo do programa e clique em:
× Brilho, cor > Brilho > Baixo
× Brilho, cor > Aprofundar > Baixo
× Filtro > Efeito Filme > Processo Cruzado - Baixo
× Filtro > Efeito Filme > Velvia - Baixo
× Filtro > Efeito Filme > Portra - Baixo
× Filtro > Efeito Filme > Agfa - Alto
O3. Pronto!


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Efeito Boca Laranja O2

× Curva Adjust. Clique aqui para baixá-la.

O1. Abra o seu PhotoScape, clique em "Editor" e permaneça na ala "Início".
O2. Abra uma foto e clique em:
× Brilho, cor {Clique no centro do botão}. Ponha a "Matiz" em 40 e dê "OK".
× Brilho, cor > Remover Tons Indesejáveis. Ajuste como no print abaixo e em seguida dê "OK":

× Brilho, cor > Curva de cor. Aplique a curva Adjust.
× Brilho, cor > Remover Tons Indesejáveis. Deixe tudo como está e dê "OK".
× Avivar > Baixo
× Brilho, cor > Brilho > Mínimo (Tom Cinza)
× Brilho, cor > Melhora o Contraste > Alto
× Afina > 1
O3. Pronto. Esse efeito não funciona em qualquer foto.


Todos os créditos a PhotoScape Edições.
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haz click con el ratón sobre el marco.
Después click derecho sobre la imagen y "guardar como" en una de tus carpetas.

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Gambar DP BBM Lebaran Kata Selamat Idul Fitri

Gambar DP BBM Lebaran Kata Selamat Idul Fitri - Hari raya idul fitri merupakan hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu setiap umat muslim dimanapun berada, karena saat hari raya ini biasa seluruh umat muslim berkumpul bersama dengan keluarga untuk merayakannya. Dan biasanya banyak juga orang yang mengucapkan selamat hari raya idul fitri kepada teman dekat, keluarga, atau pasangan melalui berbagai macam cara yang salah satunya ialah melalui display picture pada bbm. Dan bagi anda yang ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya melalui dp bbm, mungkin anda bisa melihat dulu beberapa gambar dp bbm lebaran dari kami berikut.

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Dan itu dia beberapa Gambar DP BBM Lebaran yang kiranya dapat kami berikan kepada anda, semoga dari beberapa gambar dp bbm diatas ada gambar yang anda sukai.
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